Arabic-L:PEDA:Needs info about Cairo programs

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Fri Mar 14 16:53:52 UTC 2003

Arabic-L: Fri 14 Mar 2003
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Needs info about Cairo programs
2) Subject:Hedayet Institute info

Date: 14 Mar 2003
From: "Laura A. Snow" <lsnow at>
Subject:Needs info about Cairo programs

I am hoping to do an intensive Arabic program in Cairo this summer, and  
have tried to contact both Hedayet and the Arabic Language Institute at  
AUC.  I have tried to access the ALI homepage from a variety of  
websites, but the links have not worked.  I was able to reach Hedayet's  
website, but have not heard back from them regarding my inquiry about  
summer programs. Does anyone know how I can contact either of these  
programs (and whether Hedayet is still open) in order to apply for a  
summer intensive course?  Thank-you.

Date: 14 Mar 2003
From: "Laura A. Snow" <lsnow at>
Subject: Hedayet Institute info

[moderator's note: I happened to be in touch with Nagwa, and asked her  
to send the following info, which answers part of the above query.]

I would like to appologize to those who tried to reach the web site of  
Hedayet Institute for Arabic Studies in Cairo at:  for the web has experienced some problems  
lately and we are doing our best to fix that problem now. 

The Summer 03 Intensive Program of HIAS is either for 6 weeks ( 120  
hrs.) or for 12 weeks( 240 hrs.) where emphasis is on MSA in addition  
to  some attention to Egyptian Colloquial Arabic. Short talks and  
discussions are planned to improve the listenning comprehension  and  
speaking skills every week. This could be outside class in the form of  
visits to few touristic sites in Cairo. The summer course will start on  
June 22nd, 2003. The deadline for applaying is April 30th, 2003.  

For quick inquiry please contact:
Nagwa Hedayet
HIAS Director
nhedayet at  

End of Arabic-L: 14 Mar 2003
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