Arabic-L:LIT:New Book Pessah Shinar, Modern Islam in the Maghrib

Nathan Arp nja9 at
Thu Dec 16 18:54:08 UTC 2004

Arabic-L: Thu 16 Dec  2004
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1) Subject:New Book Pessah Shinar, Modern Islam in the Maghrib

Date: 16 Dec  2004
From:Yohanan Friedmann <msyfried at>
Subject:New Book Pessah Shinar, Modern Islam in the Maghrib

			The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
			The Institute of Asian and African Studies
			The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation

			are pleased to announce the publication of

			    Modern Islam in the Maghrib


				    Pessah Shinar
			(Collected Studies in Arabic and Islam, 3)

Pessah Shinar is Professor Emeritus of Islamic and Middle Eastern
Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. For more than forty
Professor Shinar has been engaged in the study of Islam in the Maghrib.
The present volume includes sixteen articles dealing with the modern
history of the region, its religion and civilization. In addition to
other topics, the articles deal with the Muslim reform movements in the
20th century, with the personalities of `Abd al-Qadir and `Abd al-Krim,
with the Sufi movement in the modern Maghrib, with Jewish-Muslim
relations, and with the significance of various colours in the North
African Muslim and Jewish civilizations.


I.     Ibadiyya and orthodox reformism in modern Algeria

II.    The historical approach of the reformist `ulama' in the
        contemporary Maghrib

III.   Some observations on the ethical teachings of orthodox reformists
        in Algeria

IV.    A note on the socio-economic and cultural role of Sufi
        and Marabutism in Algeria

V.     Traditional and reformist Mawlid celebrations in the Maghrib

VI.   `Abd al-Qadir and `Abd al-Krim: religious influences on their
        thought and action

VII.   `Ulama', Marabuts and government: an overview of their
        in the French colonial Maghrib

VIII.  A controversial exponent of the Algerian Salafiyya: the
        Kabyle`alim, imam and sharif Abu Ya`la Sa`id b. Muhammad

IX.    Some remarks on the study of Hispano-Moroccan relationship

X.     La recherche relative aux rapports Judeo-Musulmans dans le

XI.     Reflexions sur la symbiose Judeo-Ibadite en Afrique du nord

XII.    Magic and symbolism in North-African jewellery and personal

XIII.   Venus et l'Islam

XIV.    Some observations on the role of red in North West Africa

XV.     Quelque observations sur le role de la couleur bleu dans le
         Maghrib traditionnel

XVI.	 Some remarks regarding the colours of male Jewish dress in North
          Africa and their Arab-Islamic context


                                            ORDER FORM

Please send ______copies of "Modern Islam in the Maghrib."
Price: US$47. Postage and handling (surface mail) US$3.00 for the first
volume and US$2.00 for each additional volume. Cheques payable to the
Schloessinger Memorial Foundation should be sent to the Director of
Publications, The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation, Institute of
Asian and African Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91905,
Please note that we cannot accept Eurocheques, but personal and
institutional cheques in your currency are acceptable.
E-mail:    msjsai at
Fax:	   +972-2-588-3658





End of Arabic-L:  16 Dec  2004

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