Arabic-L:GEN:XML->PDF response

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Wed May 17 15:02:59 UTC 2006

Arabic-L: Wed 17 May 2006
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:XML->PDF response
2) Subject:XML->PDF response

Date: 17 May 2006
From:"Rahawi, Mohammed A" <RahawiMA at>
Subject:XML->PDF response

I use the print function on Mac OS 10.4 to save in PDF format. It works
perfectly. Keeking the format, the fonts (including harakat) and  

Hope this helps.

Date: 17 May 2006
From:Dil Parkinson <dil at>
Subject:XML->PDF response

Indesign CS2 ME works very well with XML, and easily creates PDF  
files with full vowels.  My book "Using Arabic Synonyms" was set on a  
Mac using Indesign, and it is full of vowels.  I used the Mac  
version, but I believe there is a PC version that is equivalent.  You  
cannot just get regular Indesign off the shelf, however.  You need to  
specifically order the ME version that works with Arabic script and  
understands the script direction issues.  It also has a nice feature  
that lets you put the vowels 'tight' against the letters, 'normal',  
or distant, for various aesthetic effects. The program is almost  
ridiculously expensive, and it has a rather steep learning curve--I  
went for a long time ignorant of some of its nicest features--, but  
for me it has been well worth it.

End of Arabic-L:  17 May 2006

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