Arabic-L:LIT:Al-Mussidin response/further query

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Wed Nov 29 00:02:40 UTC 2006

Arabic-L: Tue 28 Nov 2006
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Al-Mussidin response/further query

Date: 28 Nov 2006
From:"Dr. M. Deeb" <muhammaddeeb at>
Subject:Al-Mussidin response/further query

Dear colleague Durkan,

     Salaams.  In order for me to help you with your query, would you  
kindly provide me with the full name of the Muslim comic poet.   The  
transliteration of the poet's name could be a trifle misleading.   
Please, supply me with the poet's full name both in Arabic and  
English, if at all possible.  With accurate specifics , I may be a  
able to track him down in al-Aghani or some such literary encyclopedia.

     With kind regards,  M. Deeb

End of Arabic-L:  28 Nov 2006

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