Arabic-L:LING:vowel length in Palestinian Arabic query

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Sat Feb 23 00:14:57 UTC 2008

Arabic-L: Fri 22 Feb 2008
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:vowel length in Palestinian Arabic query

Date: 22 Feb 2008
From:Michael Kenstowicz <kenstow at MIT.EDU>
Subject:vowel length in Palestinian Arabic query

I have been rereading Abu-Salim's (1982) U of Ill thesis. He speaks of  
a process of  pre-stress shortening that shortens a CVV syllable that  
stands  immediately before the stressed syllable: baab, but babeen  
'door',  dual; Suura, but suurteen (no shortening since CVVC) and  
9aalameen  'worlds' no shortening since no adjacent.

I am trying to determine if there are words where we have underlying  
CVV followed by a stressed syllable within the stem, rather than   
across a cyclic boundary like the dual/plural suffix. I have found a  
few patterns in Erwin's grammar of Syrian Arabic. If these occur in  
the Palestinian dialects that have shortening, can you tell me if they  
would shorten first CVV and if it is a high vowel,  would they  
syncopate/delete the vowel? 	

	naamuus 'mosquito'
	Saabuun 'soap' 	
	yuunaan  'Greeks'
	Gaalaat 'locks' 	
	fanaajiin 'lamps' 	
	r∫uuHaat 'colds'
	lHuumaat 'meat'

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