Arabic-L:GEN:Needs repost of Night of Counting the Years url

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Fri May 23 23:06:47 UTC 2008

Arabic-L: Fri 23 May 2008
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Needs repost of Night of Counting the Years url

Date: 23 May 2008
From:"David Bacherman" <dbacherman at>
Subject:Needs repost of Night of Counting the Years url

Several weeks ago someone posted a link to a subtitled Egyptian film  
used MSA and whose title (I think) was " The Night of Counting the  
Years " /
"Al-Mummia" .  If that link could be reposted, it would be appreciated.
Many thanks.

[moderators note: I've copied the original message with the url  
below.  In general, subscribers should remind themselves that there  
are two archives of Arabic-L where you can fairly easily look up an  
old post: one at, and the other at   
For the latter you will need your Arabic-L password.--dil]

Date: 11 Feb 2008
From:Benjamin Geer" <benjamin.geer at>
Subject:Night of Counting the Years (fusha movie) online

This may interest teachers and students of Modern Standard Arabic as
well as those who are interested in Egyptian film.

I tried for years to locate a copy of Shadi Abd Al-Salam's film "The
Night of Counting the Years" (1969), also known as "The Mummy"
(Al-Mumiaa'), a classic of Egyptian cinema whose dialogue is entirely
in Modern Standard Arabic.  I was told in video shops in Cairo that
it's no longer distributed.  I finally obtained a copy in the form of
two DVDs, without subtitles, from an academic colleague; I don't know
who made this version, which appears to be a non-commercial effort.
As a public service, I've made it available for download here:

I've also provided a subtitled version of the film, in the form of
smaller video files with separate subtitle files that I've written in
Arabic (for language learners) as well as English:

Various media player programs can play the video with the subtitles on
a computer.  If anyone is willing and able to combine the subtitles
with the DVDs, to create a DVD version of the film with its own
built-in subtitles, I think that would be a great public service.


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