Arabic-L:LING:need author for chapter on Arabic in Spanish enclave cities

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed Aug 26 23:14:10 UTC 2009

Arabic-L: Wed 26 Aug 2009
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:need author for chapter on Arabic in Spanish enclave cities

Date: 26 Aug 2009
From:Salah.Hammoud at USAFA.EDU
Subject:need author for chapter on Arabic in Spanish enclave cities

The co-editors of a multi-author volume in Spanish in its second  
edition on Languages in contact are seeking an author to a chapter on  
the influence of Arabic on the Spanish in the two Spanish enclave  
cities of Sebta ( Ceuta)  and  Melilia (Melilla) .  The chapter’s  
length can vary depending on the extent of the research and  
appropriateness of  content (history of the Arabic- Spanish contact in  
the area targeted, mutual linguistic influences in phonology, morpho- 
syntax, semantics and usage including evidence of code mixing and code  
switching). Manuscripts of twenty to twenty-five pages,  typed,   
double-spaced in Microsoft Word using MLA style sheet will be  
considered  of adequate length.

For anyone  with expertise in the topic requested who is interested in  
contributing a manuscript for consideration, please contact  co-editor  
Professor Carmen Ferrero, Department of Foreign Languages, U.S. Air  
Force Academy, USAFA, CO 80840 ( at  The volume  
titled Lenguas en contacto en el mundo de habla hispana is due to be  
published  in early 2010  y 1st Publishers, Bloomington, Indiana.

Many thanks for your continued dedication in moderating  Arabic-L and  
to our profession.


Salah-Dine Hammoud, Ph.D.,
Professor of Arabic
Dept. of Foreign Languages
U.S.Air Force Academy
USAFA, CO 80840
Tel. 719-333-8679

End of Arabic-L:  26 Aug 2009

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