Arabic-L:GEN:Two ARAM Society events

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Fri Mar 19 18:22:29 UTC 2010

Arabic-L: Fri 19 Mar 2010
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Two ARAM Society events

Date: 19 Mar 2010
From:Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies <aram at>
Subject:Two ARAM Society events


Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is inaugurating a series of conferences on the Amorites and related themes. These will be held every four years at the University of Oxford. The first in the series will take place in 2011 and it aims to study the Amorites’ kingdoms and their civilization in the Syro-Mesopotamian area.

Scholars are invited to submit papers in one of two categories:
1.	Academic research in a paper allotted 40 minutes including discussion.
2.	Short academic interventions presenting work in progress or brief notes on the subject lasting 25 minutes including discussion.

Aram Society will form a scientific advisory committee to help with the organisation of the conference and the editing of conference proceedings for publication. We will confirm that we have received your proposal on receipt of an abstract that should include the main sources consulted for the paper and the time needed to deliver the communication. In order to allow for discussion participants should speak for 35 or 20 minutes.

Papers will be accepted from accredited academics in the field and please note that the committee will be very strict in only accepting papers relevant to the conference theme. Finally the organising committee reserves the right to reduce the length of a paper if necessary and all papers submitted for publication are accepted subject to peer review.

All queries should be addressed to Dr Shafiq Abouzayd:

Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies, the Oriental Institute, Oxford University, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England. Tel. ++1865-514041. Fax ++1865-516824. Email: aram at


ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing its Thirty Second International Conference on the theme of Trade Routes and Seafaring in the Ancient Near East, to be held at the University of Oxford, 04-06 July 2011.

The Organising Committee of the Conference would like to receive your abstract before the end this calendar year 2010. We will confirm that we have accepted your proposal on receipt of an abstract that should include the main sources consulted for the paper.
Papers will be accepted from accredited academics in the field and please note that the Organising Committee of the Conference will be very strict in only accepting papers relevant to the conference theme. All papers given at the conference will be considered for publication in a future edition of the ARAM Periodical, subject to editorial review.

The conference will start on Monday July 04 at 9am, finishing on Wednesday July 06 at 6pm. Each speaker’s paper is limited to 30 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion. 

If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact Dr. Shafiq Abouzayd:
Aram Society, the Oriental Institute, Oxford University, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England. 
Tel.               01865-514041         01865-514041. Fax. 01865-516824. Email: aram at

End of Arabic-L:  19 Mar 2010

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