Arabic-L:PEDA:Texas Foreign Language Education Conference 2011

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Mon Oct 18 16:36:01 UTC 2010

Arabic-L: Mon 18 Oct 2010
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dil at>
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1) Subject: Texas Foreign Language Education Conference 2011

Date: 18 Oct 2010
From: Azza Ahmad <aahmad at>
Subject: Texas Foreign Language Education Conference 2011

Dear all,

The twelfth annual Texas Foreign Language Education Conference  
(TexFLEC) invites proposal submissions from researchers, teachers, and  
students for our upcoming 2011 conference, April 15-16, at the  
University of Texas at Austin.

The theme for this year's conference is "Language Education Across the  
Pipeline." Teachers, students, and researchers are encouraged to  
submit proposals for presentations of papers and/or research-based  
teaching practices in the following areas:

   - Articulation across levels of K-16 language education
   - Analysis of policy concerning language minority students, language
      planning, and language politics
   - Assessment and evaluation of language learners
   - Innovative material development for language education
   - Language maintenance and additive multilingualism
   - Learner and teacher identity in language education
   - Educational technology that facilitates language learning opportunities

All proposals must be received by January 31, 2011. Preference will be  
given to
scholarly, creative, and innovative presentations.

Session Types:

   - Research-based Paper Presentations will include a 20 minute
     discussion on new research by the presenter followed by a 10 minute Q&A
     interaction with conference participants.

   - Practice-oriented Presentations will include a 30 minute discussion,
     or group-led modeling exercise of a teaching practice that  
applies current
     research to the classroom.

   - Poster Presentations will be displayed during the lunch breaks and
     can be used to gain valuable feedback on theses, dissertations, or
     research. More information on poster presentations can be found at:

Submissions should be pasted  into the on-line submission including  
sections dedicated to the background, objective, research design, and  
conclusions of your study. View the submission form for the specific  
word count requirements and other information. Please help us through  
the review process by ensuring that your submission adheres to the  

For more information, please send e-mail to <texflec2011 at> or visit

TexFLEC is proudly sponsored by:
• The Foreign Language Education Student Association (FLESA) at the  
University  of Texas at Austin,

• The Foreign Language Education (FLE) Program at the University of  
Texas at Austin,

• The Texas Language Center (TLC) at the University of Texas at Austin,

• The Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies at the University of  
Texas at San Antonio.

Thank you in advance for your submission.
We look forward to reading your work!
End of Arabic-L: 18 Oct 2010
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