Arabic-L:LING:Availability of Davies/Doss book on written Egyptian Arabic

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 23 14:39:49 UTC 2013

Arabic-L: Tue 23 Jul 2013
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Availability of Davies/Doss book on written Egyptian Arabic

Date: 23 Jul 2013
From:Humphrey Davies <hdavies at>
Subject:Availability of Davies/Doss book on written Egyptian Arabic

[moderator's note: I received several requests for information on the
availability of the book:

Humphrey Davies and Madiha Doss: Al-ʿAmmiyyah al-Misriyyah
al-Maktubah—Mukhtarat min 1401 ila 2009 (Writings in Egyptian Colloquial,
1401 to 2009). Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organization, 2013. (369 p.)

recently announced on Arabic-L.  Here is Humphrey Davies' response.]

The book is now advertised on GEBO’s site. Unfortunately, however, the
"shopping cart" feature there is "under construction". In other words, it
is impossible to buy it directly from them.

I would therefore suggest that interested persons contact Leila Books (, a shipper with an established reputation, and
ask them to get it for them. I have been told by GEBO that the book will
not be available in bookshops until after the eid (say, second week of

Best wishes and thanks for the interest,

H T Davies
33, Sharia El Sheikh Rihan, Apt 4
Abdin, Cairo 11111
Land line: +20(0)2 2794-1116
Cell: +20(0)100 271-8248

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