Arabic-L:LING:Arabic Natural Language Processing: ANLP-CIST14

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 21 23:12:37 UTC 2014

Arabic-L: Fri 21 Feb 2014
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Arabic Natural Language Processing: ANLP-CIST14

Date: 21 Feb 2014
From: reposted from LINGUIST
Subject: Arabic Natural Language Processing: ANLP-CIST14

Full Title: Arabic Natural Language Processing
Short Title: ANLP - CIST14

Date: 21-Oct-2014 - 22-Oct-2014
Location: Tetuan-Chefchaouen, Morocco
Contact Person: Vito Pirrelli
Meeting Email: vito.pirrelli at
Web Site:

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics;
Text/Corpus Linguistics

Subject Language(s): Arabic, Standard (arb)

Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2014

Meeting Description:

Language technologies are instrumental to millions of people who use them
every day without even being aware of them. Systems like Google Translate
and web search engines rely more and more on levels of linguistic
information automatically provided through NLP-based tools operating in the
background. This development, we believe, has deeply affected the way we
think about language from a scientific perspective. Linguists have
progressively turned the focus of their research from abstract structural
properties of language to the dynamics of its usage in every-day
communicative contexts.

There is increasing awareness that language technologies and computational
models of language processes not only shed considerable light on
traditional issues in language and literary studies but may also lead to a
radical reconceptualization of them. Theoretical models of aspects of
language usage such as language acquisition, lexical access, speech
recognition, text translation, text analysis, ontology extraction, reading
and optical character recognition can be put to a rigorous empirical test
through computer-based implementations of some of their assumptions. In
this perspective, computer technologies prove to provide an empirical
middle ground where interdisciplinary insights coming from different
theoretical standpoints and scientific domains can be empirically assessed
and possibly integrated.

This special session is intended to explore and debate the contribution of
computational language models to a better understanding of linguistic,
psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, historical and literary issues of the
Arabic language and culture. We particularly welcome contributions
addressing fundamental aspects of Arabic NLP, communication technology,
language resources and automated text analysis by looking at their
implications for both state-of-the-art language technologies and Arabic
language knowledge at large.

Call for Papers:


We solicit submission of original ideas and papers describing significant
results and developments from both researchers and practitioners in a
specific range of fields addressing the following topics:

- Information retrieval and extraction
- Text mining
- Named entity recognition
- Question answering
- Word sense disambiguation
- Machine Translation
- Stochastic language models
- Connectionist language models
- Language technologies for Arabic cultural heritage
- Arabic optical character recognition
- Arabic digital epigraphy

Paper Submissions:

Prospective authors should submit by using the online abstract submission
form, available at CIST'14 website, a paper of 4
pages minimum including references and describing their original work.
Please also use the template available at the website.


Accepted papers will be published in the proceeding in the IEEE Xplore
Library. Furthermore, authors of high quality papers will be invited to
submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a
special issue/section of an international journal.

Accepted papers must be registered; otherwise they will not be included in
the IEEE Xplore Library.


Paper submission:  April 15, 2014
Acceptance notification:  May 30, 2014
Camera-ready submission: June 23, 2012
Author registration:  July  23, 2012
Invited session date:  October 21,22 2012

At least one of the co-authors of every paper should register.

End of Arabic-L: 21 Feb 2014
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