free journal access and future readings

Linnea Micciulla polyglot at BU.EDU
Wed Apr 27 13:37:31 UTC 2005

Hi everyone,

I noticed that Mouton de Gruyter has free access to their journal,
Communication & Medicine over the next month or so.  I don't know if anyone
besides Özge is working on medical discourse, but if you are interested, you
can sign up for online access at:

Welcome to those who have just joined us!  We've been pretty quiet lately;
those of us who are finishing up a semester have been busy. :)  I had
proposed cutting back our reading schedule to 1 article per month rather
than 2, and everyone who responded agreed with that, so let's put that in
practice.  Our current reading for April is:

Teo, P. (2000). Racism in the News: A Critical Discourse Analysis of News
Reporting in 2 Australian Newspapers. Discourse & Society, 11(1), 7-49.

The next reading, which would be for May, is:

Halmari, H., & Ostman, J. O. (2001). The Soft-Spoken, Angelic Pickax Killer:
The Notion of Discourse Pattern in Controversial News Reporting. Journal of
Pragmatics, 33(6), 805-823.

I've updated our website to reflect these changes:

Does anyone have suggestions for a mechanism for choosing and scheduling
-A few have been suggested by list members over the past couple of months; I
could add articles to the schedule in the order that they were suggested.
-Another possibility would be to have a couple weeks for planning and
voting; everyone could post suggestions for articles that they would like to
discuss, and then we could vote on which ones were of greatest interest to
the whole group.
-A third possibility: each of us who felt inclined to "lead" a discussion
could select an article related to their particular area of interest - so we
might have one month on political discourse, another on medical discourse,
the next on classroom discourse, etc.



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