Some Celtling administration

Andrew Carnie acarnie at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 16 18:50:20 UTC 1995

Hi All,

Two small administrative points for Celtling subscribers knowledge. First
I'm moving so my current snail mail address here at MIT will no
longer be available. My thanks to all of you who send me papers and
other things. From now until January, snail mail  can be sent to me

                c/o Dept of Linguistics
                University of Calgary
                2500 University Drive NW
                Calgary AB Canada.

Then from Jan-? mail can be sent to me:

                c/o Board of Linguistics
                University of California, Santa Cruz
                Santa Cruz, CA (sorry don't know the zip yet)

As far as I know this email address will still be available for
administrative queries (acarnie at, although my response may
not be as quick as it used to be.

The second administrative point has to do with a phenomenon called spamming.
There is a jerk, who is not a subscriber to this or any other lingusitics
list, who sends advertising mail to *every* internet email list, including
ours. So far I've received mail concerning everythign from buying a bride
from taiwan to getting your hands on the a-bomb blueprints. Needless to say,
I have been cutting these messages off and stopping them before they get
distributed to teh list. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do about this
other than stop them before they get distributed. The reason I'm telling
you all this, is because this is an officially  "unmoderated list".
Because of the spamming, I have been forced to start moderating to
a certain extent. So the new moderation policy is as follows. I will
forward to the list any message that fits the following criteria:

        1) Is submitted by a Celtling subscriber AND
        2) Is about the syntax, phonology, morph, semantics, phonetics,
                (and sometimes history, acquistisiton, socio)
                of the modern Celtic languages. OR
        3) is in some way relevant or interesting to the subscribers
                (my judgement here) AND
        4) Contains no flaming, obscenities or harassment and is no
                longer than 15 000 bytes.

(not that 4 has ever been a problem, I'm just adding it to be complete).
Other than the above, I'm not going to impose any restrictions on Celtling.
You all are free to post what you like. This will become a "semi moderated"
list.  The above restrictions are just to keep everyone's mail box reasonably
free from unwanted mail.

On that somewhat negative note, let me turn things around and encourage
people to post!!

Comments and criticisms about anythign above is welcome .

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