Book Announcement

Andrew Carnie acarnie at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 25 17:00:04 UTC 1996

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XFrom: adg1 at (Antony Dubach Green)
Subject: book announcement

Hi all.

In case anyone hasn't noticed it yet (I didn't until today), the following
book now exists:

Schrijver, Peter.  1995.  _Studies in British Celtic Historical Phonology_.
        Amsterdam and Atlanta:  Rodopi.

Seems to be the first comprehensive look at the topic since Jackson's
_Language and History in Early Britain_, which dates back to 1953.

Antony Dubach Green   *  adg1 at  *   Antain O hUaithne
Department of Linguistics           Mas feidir leat seo a leamh,
Cornell University                    scriobh chugam as Gaeilge!
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
H: (607) 272-7431              GO MAIRE NA TEANGACHA CEILTEACHA!
W: (607) 255-3844                   BYWIO YR IEITHOEDD CELTAIDD!

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