Fwd: Re: An Irish mutation Question

Elizabeth J. Pyatt ejp10 at psu.edu
Tue Dec 11 16:58:46 UTC 2001

From Antony Dubah.
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"Elizabeth J. Pyatt" wrote:
>  This may be elementary, but if two adjectives follow an Irish
>  feminine singular noun, is the second one also Lenited.
>  I'm thinking of something like -
>  bo/ bhan mho/r 'a big white cow' (assuming that's correct)

Apparently it is.  I found the following examples in Graiméar Gaeilge
na mBráithre Críostaí (1960 edn., pp. 31-32):

an bhean dhubh chéanna 'the same dark-haired woman'
don spideog bheag bhídeach 'to the tiny little robin'

But I couldn't find examples in any of the other grammars.  Attributive
adjectives tend to be avoided in spoken Irish anyway.

Antony Dubach Green                            green at ling.uni-potsdam.de
Universität Potsdam
Institut für Linguistik                        Tel. +49 331 9772936
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, Haus 35
14476 Golm                                     Fax  +49 331 9772087


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