Celtling List

Elizabeth J. Pyatt ejp10 at psu.edu
Tue Dec 11 16:57:29 UTC 2001


I in adverdently cc'ed a request to a mean nasty spammer asking the
Celtling listserv to be removed to the list itself.

None of you are mean, nasty spammers, so I'm not asking you to leave the list.

My apologies, and Thanks Noelle for asking about it.


>Dear Dr. Pyatt,
>Greetings!  My name is Noelle Castin and I have been on your Celtling list
>for the past couple of months.  I am a little bit confused as to the message
>sent below--whether or not this was a blanket email or one sent to me
>directly.  If it was sent to me--I'm not familiar with the yahoo account but
>if you would like to remove my name from the list, please send specific
>instructions on how to do so.  Some clarification on this matter would be
>Thanking you in advance-
>Noelle Castin
>Noelle Castin
>Program Associate
>Western Europe
>Council for International Exchange of Scholars
>3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L
>Washington, DC  20008
>tel:  202.686.6244
>fax:  202.362.3442
>email:  ncastin at cies.iie.org
>Please remove the address - celtling at mitvma.mit.edu - from your list.
>This is my second request. I cannot guarantee that all future
>requests will be nicely worded.
>Elizabeth Pyatt
>Editor Celtling
>>This message was  originally submitted by twotonegts at YAHOO.COM  to
>>list at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG.  If you simply forward it back
>>to the list,
>>using  a mail  command that  generates "Resent-"  fields (ask  your
>>local  user
>>support or consult the documentation of your mail program if in
>>doubt), it will
>>be  distributed and  the  explanations  you are  now  reading  will
>>be  removed
>>automatically. If on the other hand you edit the contributions you
>>receive into
>>a digest, you will have to  remove this paragraph manually. Finally,
>>you should
>>be able  to contact  the author  of this  message by  using the
>>normal "reply"
>>function of your mail program.
>>---------------- Message requiring your approval (450 lines) --
>>EMail me at TwoToneGTS at yahoo.com and ask nicely to be removed
>>from this list.
>>This is meant to help others, not piss them off. If you decide to
>>do this program,
>>include your own way of removal, and don't use mine! Otherwise,
>>you won't get the results
>>you are looking for.  Thanks for your time!
>Elizabeth J. Pyatt, Ph.D.
>Instructional Designer
>Education Technology Services
>Penn State University
>ejp10 at psu.edu, (814) 865-0805
>228A Computer Building
>University Park, PA 16801


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