Mark Nodine: Welsh adjectives

Elizabeth J. Pyatt ejp10 at
Thu Feb 7 17:31:26 UTC 2002

Cross posted from Welsh-L
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Approved-By: neil.shadrach at CORRYN.COM
X-Accept-Language: en
Date:         Thu, 7 Feb 2002 10:28:51 -0600
Reply-To: Mark.Nodine at
Sender: WELSH Language Bulletin Board <WELSH-L at LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
From: Mark Nodine <nodine at SOMERSET.SPS.MOT.COM>
Subject:      Re: Welsh adjectives

Neil Shadrach wrote:
>   >>I'm looking for Welsh adjectives that end in orthographic <u> followed
>   >>by a consonant, OTHER THAN those like 'hapus', 'parchus', 'gwybodus'
>   >>that contain the suffix "-us".  I don't have a reverse dictionary of
>   >>Welsh (if such a thing even exists).  Can anyone help me think of some?
>   >...
>  prysur, cyfun, alltud, (an)eglur, astud, carcus, cul

achul anghyfesur anghymesur alltud amheuthun anaraul aneglur anfynud
araul arddun astud asur aur credadun cul cun cyfesur cyflun cyfun
cymesur deulun didostur di-draul didduw difesur digysur di-hun di-lun
di-sut diwarafun drud dur eglur ehud esgud esgymum ffug gwachul
gwrthun haerllug hendraul hirgul hydraul hyglud llymsur llymun minffug
mud prysur pum pur sarrug segur seithug sur trwynsur wylun ysgymun


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