gestures coded without objects, and obtaining parser input

Karin cox.karin.m at
Mon Sep 25 00:40:02 UTC 2017

Thanks for the detailed answers!  I'll look into those CLAN commands, and I 
agree that the video would help disambiguate the "ges" annotation.  It's 
helpful to know that it wasn't a mistake.

On Saturday, September 23, 2017 at 8:53:32 PM UTC-4, Davida wrote:
> Karin,
> I will answer your first question.  The transcriber did not forget a 
> colon.  The speaker repeated the word “two” in revising “two pieces to “two 
> slices”.  Whether it was an “empty gesture” may depend on your definition 
> of an empty gesture.  It was probably relatively imprecise if it was 
> flagged simply as &=ges, but the best thing to do is to view the video at 
> the Browsable database or by downloading the relevant media file.  The 
> files are set up so that each utterance is linked to the video so you can 
> search for that utterance and play it and watch the video.  Please send an 
> email directly to me (fr... at <javascript:>) if you want 
> more information about the gesture coding or video playback options.
> -Davida
> On Sep 23, 2017, at 6:37 PM, Leonid Spektor <spe... at 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> Karin,
> I can only answer your second question. There are two CLAN commands that 
> will cleanup speaker tiers in CHAT files. It depends on how much cleanup 
> you need. First command is FLO. It removes all codes and more leaving as 
> little as just a plain text lines. Second command is CHAT2CONLL. It creates 
> output in format suited for either one of the following parsers: Depparse, 
> MaltParser, TurboParser, AnCoraCorpus, Connexor, Clearparser.
> Leonid.
> On Sep 23, 2017, at 16:12, Karin <cox.k... at <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I will list here two questions, but if it's better to split them up 
> between posts, please let me know.
> (1) I am wondering how to interpret the following coding of a gesture: 
> you take <two pieces> [//] &=ges two [/] two &=fingers:two &sli slices of 
> bread . 
> Does this imply that (a) the speaker made an empty gesture, and then said 
> "two", or (b) the annotator forgot a colon?
> (2) Is there a program in CLAN that allows for the cleaning of the speaker 
> tiers, such that they appear in the way that the parser sees them?   If 
> not, is there a CLAN program that I could modify to produce such output?  I 
> am reasonably experienced with programming, and hopefully would know enough 
> C++ to manage this. 
> Thank you in advance for your time --
> -- Karin
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