Code Switching Topic: CLAN commands

Toh An popsune1 at
Sun Apr 29 20:51:31 UTC 2018

Thank you Brian!

On Monday, April 30, 2018 at 4:13:22 AM UTC+8, macw wrote:
> Yes, you would need to add the $ sign.
> --Brian
> On Apr 29, 2018, at 4:11 PM, Toh An <pops... at <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Thank you for the recommendations! 
> For KEYMAP, the manual says that "On the coding tier, keymap will look 
> only for symbols beginning with the $ sign. All other strings will be 
> ignored." Do I have to code the dependent tiers starting with the $ sign? I 
> tried using the command "keymap +b1.2* +t%xcod  @" but it does not 
> produce any results or output.
> On Monday, April 30, 2018 at 3:35:52 AM UTC+8, macw wrote:
>> Dear Toh An,
>>     Yes, you could probably analyze these using some form of a COMBO 
>> command.  However, the type of code chain structure you seem to be studying 
>> might be better analyzed using either the KEYMAP or CHAINS commands.  Why 
>> don't you take a look at the description of those in the manual to see if 
>> they correspond to what you are trying to do.  
>> --Brian MacWhinney
>> On Apr 29, 2018, at 3:27 PM, Toh An <pops... at> wrote:
>> These are the COMBO commands which I have used which do not seem to work:
>> combo +t*TE1 +s"t%xcod: 1.2^*^t%xtsf: 4.5" +t%xcod +t%xtsf
>> combo +b2 +s"%xcod: 1.3^*^%xcod: 2.5" +t%xcod +t%xcod
>> On Monday, April 30, 2018 at 3:21:58 AM UTC+8, Toh An wrote:
>>> Dear all, 
>>> I have some questions on the use of COMBO commands to analyse code 
>>> switching topics in utterances.
>>> Firstly, I want to do a count of specific tier combinations (the same 
>>> tier; different codes), in a specific sequence across clusters using the 
>>> COMBO command.
>>> e.g.:
>>> **TE1:*  utterance
>>> %xcod: 1.3
>>> %xtsf: 4.8
>>> **CH3:* utterance
>>> %xcod: 2.5
>>> %xcsf: 5.4
>>> è  I want to be able to specify the command to count the instances 
>>> where %xcod:  1.3 is followed by another code on the same tier %xcod:  
>>> 2.5 but across different clusters.
>>> è To use the command to count the instances of different sequences (for 
>>> example 1.1à2.5/ 2.6/ 2.7)
>>> Secondly, I want to do a count of specific tier combinations (different 
>>> tiers; different codes), in a specific sequence within clusters using the 
>>> COMBO command
>>> e.g.:
>>> **CH3*: utterance
>>> %xcod: 1.7
>>> %xcsf: 5.4
>>> **TE1*:  utterance
>>> %xcod: 1.2
>>> %xtsf: 4.2
>>> **CLS:*  utterance
>>> %xcod: 1.6
>>> è  I want to be able to specify the command to count the instances 
>>> where %xcod:  1.2 is followed by another code on a different tier 
>>> %xtsf:  4.2 within the same clusters.
>>> è To use the command to count the instances of different sequences (for 
>>> example 1.1à4.1/4.2/4.3/4.4/4.5/4.6/4.7/4.8)
>>> Note:
>>> As shown above some utterances have two tiers of codes. All utterances 
>>> have the %xcod tier while some utterances by the speaker **TE1* have 
>>> the tier %xtsf, and some utterances by the speaker **CH#/CLS* have the 
>>> %xcsf tier.
>>> However, other utterances may not have two tiers, and only have the 
>>> %xcod tier.
>>> e.g.:
>>> **TE1:*  utterance
>>> %xcod: 1.2
>>> **CH4:* utterance
>>> %xcod: 2.6
>>> **TE1:*  utterance
>>> %xcod: 3.2
>>> **TE1:*  utterance
>>> %xcod: 3.3
>>> %xtsf:  4.8
>>> I have tried using the following COMBO commands but they do not seem to 
>>> produce results in the CLAN window. Could you provide some suggestions?
>>> Thank you so much.
>> -- 
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