/hay kEmtEks/, /hay nanIch/

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Wed Apr 28 03:12:09 UTC 1999

LhaXayEm, Nadja pi khanawi lhaksta,

Na wawa /hay kEmtEks/ pus <hear, read>.../hay/ <-ing> chaku khapa /hayu'/
<much, many, a lot>.

Pi alta khakwa, /hay kEmtEks/ dret khakwa <to be understanding> => <hear>,

Na tEmtEm Tony ya wawa /kw'Elan/ khakwa Xluyma Ikta.

Nayka wawa wEXt /hay nanIch/ <to be seeing> pus => <read>.

[BastEn sItkEm:  Hi, Nadja and everybody,

[I say /hay kEmtEks/ for "hear, read" ... /hay/ <-ing> comes from /hayu'/
"much, many, a lot".

[So, /hay kEmtEks/ means <to be understanding> => <hear, read>.

[I think Tony says /kw'Elan/ means something different.

[I say alo /hay nanIch/ <to be seeing> for => <read>.]

BEt wek Grand Rounde man nayka!

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