[TWUC] OED seeks word sighting

Theresa Kishkan tkishkan at UNISERVE.COM
Fri Oct 13 17:27:26 UTC 2000

>Hello all,
>The Oxford English Dictionary is working on an entry
>for MOCOTAUGAN,  a kind
>knife with an upcurving blade used in making snowshoes,
>fur stretchers,
>and woodwork.  They are trying to determine if this
>word is still current at
>all.  Obviously it's not really something that is part
>of southern Canadian
>urban culture so I've never heard of it but that
>doesn't mean it's not being
>used somewhere. If any of you could tell me
>a) if the word is still used
>b) if the knife is still used but called something
>that would be very helpful. What would be even better
>would be if you could
>provide us with actual quotations from printed sources
>using the word.
>feel free to pass this email on to anyone who you think
>might be able to
>the question.
>Many thanks
>Katherine Barber
>The Canadian Oxford Dictionary
>Oxford University Press
>70 Wynford Drive
>Don Mills, Ontario M3C 1J9
>Phone: 416-441-2941 x.2560
>Fax: 416-441-0345
>Email: kpb at oupcan.mail.net
>Visit the Canadian Oxford Dictionary Web site at
>     Penney Kome, kome at home.com
>     author & journalist.
>     NEW! Columnist:
>     Editor, Women'space http://www.womenspace.ca
Theresa Kishkan
RR1 Site 20 C11
Madeira Park, B.C.
V0N 2H0
Red Laredo Boots (1996); Sisters of Grass (2000)

"This is the old west where a secret cove with an old house
  is called history, a raven cackling on a limb, mythology."
                                            --Charles Lillard

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