fluency while drunk

Linda Fink linda at FINK.COM
Mon Sep 4 23:41:50 UTC 2000

>A long time ago when I was in Siletz, I was told by a local that the best
way to learn Chinook Jargon is when one is drunk. The reason given is,
[that] is when the state of mind and the neural link to the speech center
is in its most receptive modality to pronounce the strange sounds which
accompany the constanants spoken in Chinook Jargon.

I think it is because when you are drunk, you are less inhibited. My husband
spoke wonderful Lao when we were in Laos ONLY after imbibing in the local
rice beer. There were/are no odd sounds in Lao. But I'm not sure he learned
Lao better drunk, he just recalled what he had learned and stored away in
some inaccessible part of his brain -- until booze washed away the barrier.
:-) Maybe there's a more scientific explanation. ;-)

Linda Fink   linda at fink.com
http://www.fink.com/linda/teenagers/   http://www.fink.com/farm/5.html

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