"Dr. Franz Boaz" translation

Mon Jul 16 14:02:39 UTC 2001

Here's a translation of the _Kamloops Wawa_ piece posted a week ago...

"<5...Dr. Franz Boaz.>  Chi nsaika nanich kopa Nort Bend iht man iaka nem
Doktor Frans Bos.  Iaka mamuk tsem kanawi sawash lalang kopa ukuk ilihi;
iaka iskom Chinuk pipa, pi iaka aiak chako komtaks.  Kopit pulakli iaka
nanich ukuk Kamlups Wawa pipa, pi iaka mamuk tsem kopa Chinuk kopa tilikom
kopa Nort Bend, pus klaska mamuk tsem kopa pipa ankati syisim, Kayuti iaka
syisim i.t.s., pi iaka wawa pus alki iaka peye klaska mokst tala iht peysh
kopa ukuk mamuk."

"5...Dr. Franz Boas.  We've just seen in North Bend, BC, a man whose name is
 Dr. Franz Boas.  He writes all the Indian languages in this area; he
subscribes to the Chinook paper, and he learns quickly.  In just an evening,
he was reading this _Kamloops Wawa_ paper, and he wrote in Chinook Jargon to
the people of North Bend, for them to write on paper the old stories, Coyote
stories etc., and he says he will pay them two dollars a page for this


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