Tlingit CJ sound system? Q's about S.V. Johnson thesis

David Lewis coyotez at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Mon Mar 5 18:46:06 UTC 2001

Anyone have information on what I have seen as an eastern origin bias to
where words came from which are in the jargon. I have been reading through
some of the origins of words like wapato, which is officially attributed to
Cree. But I wonder if many words attributed to eastern language origins
have been biased by the east to west migration of people and linguists? Is
this thought clear? Through transcontinental indigenous trade networks
words would have gone either way. So if this is the case maybe we need to
severely question the official sources who speak primarily to eastern
origins of words. I am not saying throw out the literature only
reexamination into the origins of words. How did words pass from culture to
culture, language to language. Follow the trade networks, follow the trade
items. any ideas?

David Gene Lewis                        Department of Anthropology
Graduate student                        University of Oregon
         cell 541-510-0217                               Eugene, OR 97403

coyotez at                      talapus at 

Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde,  Kalapuya Tribe

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