Tolmie vocabulary

Ross Clark (FOA DALSL) r.clark at AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
Tue Jun 18 05:58:23 UTC 2002

I've just been reading the published journals of William Fraser Tolmie
(Physician and Fur Trader, Mitchell Press, Vancouver, 1963). He uses a few
phrases in CJ along the way, but his opinion of it is not high: "the
Chenooke gibberish, by which we communicate with the Indians...a vile
compound of English, French, American & the Chenooke dialect". Nevertheless,
he does say (p.210) that he has begun making a vocabulary of the
"Gibberish". I know that Tolmie later published a number of vocabularies
(Tolmie & Dawson, 1884), but I don't think CJ was among them -- it's not
mentioned in the list of vocabularies that he was tabulating a couple of
years later (p.309). Does anyone know if anything on the subject from Tolmie
has survived?

Ross Clark

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