Corpora: British newspaper in electonic form

Mark Sanderson m.sanderson at
Fri Jun 2 12:14:48 UTC 2000

TREC has some of the FT and the Glasgow Herald, but you might have to pay
for it.

At 13:05 02/06/00 +0100, STEPHANIE SUHR wrote:

>We are trying to locate Britisch newspapers (or articles from British
>newspapers) in electronic form from the late 1980s. Does anybody know of
>any electronic holdings (perhaps a corpus that includes newspapers)? Any
>help more than gratefully received.

Mark Sanderson, Room 303                   Tel   : +44 (0) 114 22 22648
Department of Information Studies          Fax   : +44 (0) 114 27 80300
University of Sheffield, Western Bank      mailto:m.sanderson at
Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK           
Good judgement comes from experience but experience comes from bad judgement

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