Corpora: Re: forwarded message from Tony Wu

Jack Halpern jack at
Thu Sep 27 20:10:14 UTC 2001

Tony Wu wrote

 >can any1 tell some information about the eletronic Dictionary of Simplified
 >Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
 >if possible, is there any mapping dictionary between Simplified Chinese and
 >Traditional Chinese, and is there any SC <--> TC terminology mapping
 >dictionary in Computer domain?
 >Thanx a lot!

I am not on this list but got your message from Adam Kilgarriff. I am now on a trip
to the UK and cannot deal with your questions fully, but we can definitely be of help.
In fact, we have built the world's largest SC<>TC mapping tables and recently
expanded it to include about 60,000 computer terms showing the differences between
PRC, HK and Taiwan.

Please have a llok at:


and for computer terms:

Regards, Jack Halpern
	President, The CJK Dictionary Institute, Inc. Phone: +81-48-473-3508

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