Corpora: Corpus linguistics course

David Lee david_lee00 at
Mon Apr 29 10:57:31 UTC 2002

Dear Calum,

Have a look at my website  (specifically the
"Courses, FAQs, Info, E-Lists" page). There are links to several syllabuses
there. Also, on the "Misc" page, I have links related to "CALL / CBL &
Language Teaching", including a couple of links to notes on using
concordancing in the classroom.

David Lee

----- Original Message -----
From: Calum Smollett
To: corpora at
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 9:07 AM
Subject: Corpora: Corpus linguistics course

Dear All
I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some information regarding
the existence of any corpus linguistics courses.
Just to give a clearer picture, I have recently completed an MA programme in
TEFL, in which I have used concordancers, wordlists etc. using Wordsmith
I am therefore looking for something reasonably practical for future
research/teaching purposes, possibly a summer course, but ideally an on-line
or distance-mode course which would cover areas such as parsing, POS
tagging, research issues, TEFL classroom possibilities etc. to build on the
reasonably basic knowledge that I've got already.
I am not looking for another MA programme in Corpus Linguistics.
Any recommendations would be gratefully received.
Calum Smollett

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