[Corpora-List] URGENT HELP

Veronika Sarec Tobias veronika at us.ibm.com
Tue Jun 17 15:53:51 UTC 2003

Is there any way you could get me off this distribution list! I get at
least 10 email a day that I have to delete..they d onot pertain to me at

Veronika Sarec Tobias

IT Specialist                          Phone:       (301) 240-5201
IBM Global Services          Alt. Phone: (301) 920-0627
veronika at us.ibm.com

                      "Harold Somers"
                      <harold.somers at um        To:       Martin Wynne <martin.wynne at ota.ahds.ac.uk>, Adam Kilgarriff
                      ist.ac.uk>                <adam.kilgarriff at itri.brighton.ac.uk>
                      Sent by:                 cc:       "'delucca at nilc.icmc.usp.br'" <delucca at nilc.icmc.usp.br>, corpora at hd.uib.no
                      owner-corpora at lis        Subject:  Re: [Corpora-List] Legal aspects of compiling corpora

                      06/17/2003 11:43
                      Please respond to

I seem to remember a discussion somewhere when the web first
got really established saying that any one of three existing media
could be used as a model, one being a sort of hard case, one soft
and one intermediate:

1 (hard) It's like a publisher: legally responsible for anything it
publishes. It should therefore indemnify itself against any of its
clients getting it into trouble. AN internet provider could do this by
getting you to "sign" something when they give you access/storage

2.(middle) I cant remember - anyone any ideas? I think it involved a
distinction between knowingly handling something or not. We had
a case here many years a go where some students received some
moderately obscene jokes and forwarded them to their mates. A
law enforcement officer at another location wanted us to do
something about it. While it was clear that forwarding the material
was naughty (and the "culprits" had their wrists smacked), there
was some question about whether we were also liable for storing it.

3. (soft) Like the post (mail) or the telephone: The company is not
legally responsible for what it carries; if something illegal is sent it
is the sender who has committed an offence.

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