[Corpora-List] [IJCNLP2004] Extention of the paper submission deadline of Interactive Poster/Demo Sessions

Eiko Yamamoto eiko at crl.go.jp
Mon Jan 19 03:13:35 UTC 2004

Please be acknowledged that the paper submission deadline of IJCNLP-04
Interactive Poster/Demo Sessions has been extended to January 31, 2004.

Extended the paper submission deadline of IJCNLP-04 Interactive
Poster/Demo Sessions to January 31, 2004.

Call for paper:
  You may have a very cool demo but don't have time to package a full
size of paper for main conference, or you get a late breaking report but
has not yet finished solid evaluation, or you prefer to present your
works in an interactive style, this session will provide you an exciting
channel to show your cool demos and ideas and get valuable feedbacks at
the same time.
  The special session for interactive posters and demonstrations
provided in IJCNLP-04 will welcome poster/demo presentations with novel
ideas and profound applications, or the works that are best presented
and discussed in an interactive style. This session will provide a forum
of academic and technical exchanges. Presentations from both the
academic and industries are welcomed. The topics of interest will cover
the same area of the main conference
  The authors should submit an original paper (no more than 4 pages in
IJCNLP format) that describes the problem of the research and the novel
methods. Presentations with demos should include an outline of the
system design and enough details to allow the evaluation of technical
solidness and usefulness. The equipments required for the demonstration
must be provided. The Interactive Poster/Demo papers will be included in
a separated proceeding that is in parallel to the main conference
  Each submission will be blind reviewed by three reviewers. Reviewing
will be managed by an international program committee.

Presentation Style of the Interactive Poster/Demo Sessions
  The Interactive Poster/Demo Sessions will run in the afternoons of
March 22 and March 23. Each presentation will receive a booth with a
1.8m x 0.6m desk and a 1.8m x 2.1m panel. Network connection and
electricity outlets will be supplied to each booth.

Submission Information
  Submissions should follow the format of IJCNLP proceedings and should
not exceed four (4) pages, including references. Since the reviewing
will be blind, the paper should not include the authors' names and
affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's
identity should be avoided.

Submission Procedure
  All papers must be submitted electronically via email to the following
address. Either a PDF or PS file must be sent as an attached file.
Please use the first author's surname to name the file. The Subject
field should be "IJCNLP-04 Poster/Demo submission". Please include the
name, affiliation and email address of the contact person in the body of
your email.

The Important Dates
  Paper submission deadline: January 15, 2004 -> January 31, 2004
  Notification of acceptance: Feb. 15, 2004
  Camera ready papers due: Feb 28, 2004

Please submit papers to: mingzhou at microsoft.com

Program Committee for Interactive Poster/Demo sessions
  Chair: Ming Zhou, Microsoft Research Asia

  PC members:
    Masaaki Nagata, NTT
    Takenobu Tokunaga, Tokyo Institute of Technology
    Genichiro Kikui, ATR
    Sadao Kurohashi, The University of Tokyo
    Donghong Ji, Kent Ridge Digital Labs
    Jian-Yun Nie, Univ. of Montreal
    Dekang Lin, Univ. of Alberta
    Hsin-Hsi Chen, National Taiwan University
    Lee-Feng Chien, Academia Sinica
    Kam-Fai Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Gary Geunbae Lee, POSTECH
    Jong-Hyeok Lee, POSTECH
    Maosong Sun, Tsinghua University
    Jun Zhao, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Tiejun Zhao, Harbin Institute of Technology
    Qun Liu, China Academy of Science
    Haifeng Wang, Toshiba R&D Centre
    Kui-Lam Kwok, City University of New York
    Dan Moldovan, University of Texas at Dallas
    Chin-Yew Lin, ISI/USC
    Tilman Becker, DFKI
    Rens Bod, University of Amsterdam
    Harry Bunt, Tilburg University
    Christian Boitet, Universite Joseph Fourier
    Michael Zock, LIMSI

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