[Corpora-List] Tagset mapping (Negra -> Penn Treebank)

Kevin Duh duh at ee.washington.edu
Tue Dec 27 18:30:40 UTC 2005

Dear Corpora members,

I am interested in comparing the part-of-speech tag distributions of 
English vs. German. Currently, I'm looking into using the WSJ Penn 
Treebank for English, and the Negra and TIGER corpora for German. 
However, the tagsets of WSJ vs. Negra/TIGER are different, so I'm 
wondering if anyone has any mapping that converts from the Negra/TIGER 
tagset to the WSJ tagset?

In other words, is there some document that specifies, to the best 
effort possible, which tags in the Negra tagset 
corresponds to which tags in the WSJ tagset 

Thanks in advance!
Kevin Duh

Kevin Duh
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington

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