[Corpora-List] Grep for Windows

maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu
Fri Dec 15 16:36:48 UTC 2006

Quoting Michaela Atterer <atterer at ims.uni-stuttgart.de>:
> If you don't find any good program, maybe writing a perl-script that 
> emulates grep would be an option?
> Even though the regex syntax would be slightly different...

Since there doesn't seem to be any standard regex syntax (grep, sed, 
etc. all seem to have slightly different views on the issue), maybe 
learning Perl syntax for regex's isn't that bad.  I believe Python uses 
the same syntax.

Besides, none of the standard grep implementations that I know of 
handle Unicode (at least not in any useful way).  Dave Graff of the LDC 
(who sometimes shows up on this list) has implemented what he calls 
'grepp', a Perl implementation that handles Unicode (IIRC, in various 
encodings, not just UTF-8).  It looks like it's downloadable at
along with the source of its man page.

   Mike Maxwell

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