[Corpora-List] [Corpora] deadline extension : MAD 10 - Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Signalling Text Organisation - MAD'10

mad2010 at univ-tlse2.fr mad2010 at univ-tlse2.fr
Thu Sep 17 10:58:35 UTC 2009

Dear colleagues,

In response to requests from the community, the organizing committee
of MAD2010 has decided to extend the submission deadline to Monday
October 19, 2009.

We would however be grateful if researchers intending to submit could
let us know by mail(mad2010 at univ-tlse2.fr) as soon as possible.

Best regards,

the MAD-team

Call for Papers

8th International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Approaches to
Discourse 2010 (MAD'10):

              *                                           *
              *    Multidisciplinary Perspectives on      *
              *                                           *
              *       Signalling Text Organisation        *
              *                                           *
                March 17-20, 2010, Moissac, France


Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2010 (MAD 10) is the eighth
in a series of small-scale, high-quality workshops that have been
organised (approx.) every second year since 1995. Its aim is to bring
together researchers from different disciplines (linguistics,
computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, educational and
cognitive psychology, ergonomics and document design, semiotics,
information and communication sciences, typography, etc.) to exchange
information and learn from each other on a common topic of

The theme of MAD 2010 is: Signalling Text Organisation. It is
organised by CLLE (Cognition, Langues, Langage, Ergonomie), University
of Toulouse.

"Signalling text organisation" refers to the observation that within
texts, certain features or elements seem to have a special
instructional role with regard to text organisation. These text
organisation signalling devices have been described under a variety of
names: signals, structure indicators, advance organisers, discourse
markers, layout properties, surface structure features, organisational
cues, stylistic writing devices and so on. Their scope ranges from a
very local level to a more global one. Their nature is also very
               * linguistic: words (e.g. connectives), phrases (e.g.
emphasis phrases), sentences (meta-discourse sentences) and beyond
(overviews, summaries);
               * graphic: typographical and spatial variation (e.g.
paragraph breaks, boldface);
               * hybrid (e.g. enumerations, headings, tables of contents,
links and pop-up windows in electronic documents);
               * more elusively: first mention, length or repetition of
particular text units, structural parallelism.

Different disciplines have taken an interest in these devices, either
as a core object of study or as an element to be taken into account.
As a consequence, research concerned with the signalling of text
organisation is far from constituting a unified field. The notion of
signal itself may be associated with different key concepts according
to discipline and models: document structure, discourse organisation,
layout structure, text architecture, etc. As far as function is
concerned, they may be seen as discourse construction devices, traces
of metalinguistic segments, as reading or processing instructions, as
traces of the writer's cognitive processes, or as cues revealing the
author's intentions, etc.

Since the 1970's, research into the signalling of text organisation
has produced considerable results. The environment for this research
is at present undergoing a twofold transformation: firstly, new
methods are appearing, linked to technological advances (corpus
linguistics, natural language processing, eye movement recording
techniques for the analysis of cognitive processes during reading,
etc.); secondly, new fields of application are opening (in connection
with the expanding use of digital documents in the professional and
educational worlds). In this new context, novel research questions
open up, requiring the integration of contributions from different
disciplines or fields of study.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from
different disciplines interested in the signalling of text
organisation (e.g., linguists, computational linguists,
psycholinguists, educational/cognitive psychologists, ergonomists,
document designers, semioticians, information scientists, etc.) to
allow exchanges, interactions and cross-fertilization.

We invite contributions on topics and questions such as the following
(the list may be extended):

               * What are text signals and what role do they play?
                     o reader's viewpoint
                     o writer's viewpoint
                     o analyst's viewpoint
               * What may be relevant theoretical models and methods of
data collection and analysis to study the signalling of text
organisation and its cognitive effects?
                     o naturalist approaches and corpus studies
                     o empirical approaches
                     o micro vs. macro approaches
                     o inter- and pluridisciplinary approaches
               * Text signals and literacy
               * Text signals in document design, natural language
processing and language technologies

We welcome different types of contributions: literature reviews,
theoretical and methodological considerations, reports of empirical
data, corpus based-studies, etc.

Important dates
               * First call for paper: June 8th 2009
               * Extended submission deadline: October 19th 2009
               * Notification of acceptance: December 18th 2009
               * Deadline for final version: February 1st 2010
               * Registration deadline : January 15th 2010
               * Workshop : March 17th - 20th 2010

Keynote speakers
               * Robert F. Lorch (University of Kentucky, USA)
               * John Bateman (University of Bremen, Germany)
               * Éric Hermann (CFH Conseil en Facteurs Humains,
Grenoble, France)

Organising Committee (CLLE, University of Toulouse-UTM)
               * Anne Le Draoulec
               * Karine Duvignau
               * Mai Ho Dac
               * Julie Lemarié
               * Marie-Paule Péry-Woodley
               * Marianne Vergez-Couret

Scientific Committee

               * Franck Amadieu, CLLE, University of Toulouse-UTM, France
               * Thierry Baccino, LUTIN, University of Nice-Sophia
Antipolis, France
               * John Bateman, University of Bremen, Germany
               * Stéphane Caro, University of Bourgogne, France
               * Michel Charolles, LATTICE, University of Paris 3, France
               * Liesbeth Degand, CETIS, UCL, Belgium
               * Claudine Garcia-Debanc, IUFM, University of
Toulouse-UTM, France
               * Nicolas Hernandez, LINA, University of Nantes, France
               * Marie-Paule Jacques, LILPA, University of Strasbourg, France
               * Julia Lavid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
               * Robert F. Lorch, University of Kentucky, USA
               * Nadine Lucas, GREYC, University of Caen, France
               * Clara Mancini, Open University, UK
               * Fabrice Maurel, University of Caen, France
               * Bonnie Meyer, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
               * Josette Rebeyrolles, CLLE, University of Toulouse-UTM, France
               * Wilbert Spooren, University of Amsterdam, NL
               * Patrice Terrier, CLLE, University of Toulouse-UTM, France

see further informations on our website :

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