[Corpora-List] Comparing Phonetic Corpora of AmerIndian languages

Harald Hammarström harald at bombo.se
Mon Feb 1 10:04:39 UTC 2010

>> The Chibchan family (Cofan, Guambiano) is  much less similar ? 43.90%.
> I doubt that Cofan is really Chibchan; it's more likely an isolate. It's also 
> doubtful whether Guambiano is Chibchan; it's been assigned to the Barbacoan 
> family.  I'm not sure that even that is generally accepted, but in any case 
> there's no good evidence (AFAIK) that the Barbacoan group is "in" Chibchan.

Agreed. Since the work by Curnow, Liddicoat and Costenla Uman~a it seems clear
that a) Guambiano is Barbacoan which is a standalone family from Chibchan
and b) Cofan is not Chibchan. There is the caveat that Cofan is less
well-documented than the under languages in the discussion, but a grammar
is underway (Rafael Fischer, UvA).

all the best,


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