[Corpora-List] [Corpora-List ] Query about Internet corpora (different text types)

Christine Amling chamling at students.uni-mainz.de
Fri Jun 3 11:22:46 UTC 2011

Dear Angus,
first of all thank you for that paper. Unfortunately I cannot download 
it, due to the lack of a Facebook account and a personal refusal of mine 
to get one. (The website asks me to log in in order to download the 
paper. Maybe it works from the university network, without logging in, 
but I doubt it.)
In general what you did sounds like a very good idea, but brings to my 
second problem: In order to gather IRC data I need channels. All the 
channels I've been to so far are empty or people just chatting useless 
things, like the stats of games, so there is only numbers and no real 
dialogue. I guess I have to look a bit more for that, too, but if 
somebody knows a few busy English IRC channels, I wouldn't be ungrateful.
Thanks for the help so far.
I don't know about existing IRC corpora of any other languages (since 
you're clearly looking for English), but in 1999 I compiled my own 
corpus of IRC French by running a bot on #france for several days to 
collect a log. I used the corpus to investigate right-dislocation 
constructions, aka "antitopic," as I described in this working paper: 

-- -Angus B. Grieve-Smith Saint John's University grvsmth at panix.com

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