[Corpora-List] Release of TempoWordNet

Md. Hasanuzzaman hasanuzzaman.im at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 12:27:51 UTC 2014

Hi ,

*Equipe HUman Language TECHnology(HULTECH)* team of GREYC - CNRS UMR 6072
 Laboratory is happy to announce the first release of *TempoWordNet*, a
lexical knowledge base to help the research in temporal domain.

In * TempoWordNet *, we aim to provide a better understanding of 'time' in
language, which may benefit both NLP and IR temporal studies. It is based
on WordNet 3.0 , where each synset of WordNet is automatically time-tagged
with four dimensions:

*atemporal, past, present and future.*
To obtain a copy of TempoWordNet , please visit the following link:


           OR Contact

*mohammed.hasanuzzaman at unicaen.fr/hasanuzzaman.im at gmail.com

Cheers !!!

Mohammed Hasanuzzaman,
PhD Student,
Normandie University, France
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