[Corpora-List] Submission deadline EUROCALL2014 extended to 14 February

Sake Jager s.jager at rug.nl
Wed Jan 29 08:46:03 UTC 2014

Apologies for cross-posting


Groningen, The Netherlands, 20-23 August, 2014


The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to: 14 February 2014.

Submission link: http://www.eurocall-languages.org/conf2014/.  

The 21st EUROCALL conference will be held at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands from 20th to 23rd August 2014. 

The program will include individual papers, symposia, workshops, presentations on EU-funded projects, and posters. 

EUROCALL conferences are hosted under the auspices of the EUROCALL Association (http://www.eurocall-languages.org/). They bring together educators, researchers, PhD students, administrators, designers of software and language learning systems, policy makers and other professionals involved in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) around the globe. 


The conference theme is "CALL Design: Principles and Practice". Proposals addressing the theme from theoretical and practical perspectives in relation to the many forms and contexts of CALL are particularly welcome. Submissions may include, but are not restricted to:
.	Applying principles from SLA and TBLT in CALL
.	Applying specific instructional models in CALL
.	Preparing and delivering open educational resources, open courseware and open online courses for language learning
.	Designing for open and independent online language learning
.	Using competence or outcome-based frameworks (CEFR, IATFL, etc.) in CALL design
.	Designing, applying and evaluating computer-based language tests
.	Applying corpus-based designs and technologies
.	Learning analytics and CALL design
.	Synchronous and asynchronous CMC
.	Gaming and virtual worlds
.	Mobile apps for CALL 
.	Telecollaboration and Online Intercultural Exchanges
.	Using NLP and AI-based designs and technologies
.	Using specific design tools (LAMS, CompendiumLD, etc.) for CALL
.	CALL for specific contexts and purposes (institutional setting, independent use)
.	CALL for specific skills
.	Successful CALL project designs
.	Developing strategies for teacher education and professional development 

Specialists and practitioners from the various disciplines and research areas which help inform CALL design are invited to contribute. 


Keynote speakers at EUROCALL2014 will be:

.	Carol A. Chapelle (Iowa State University) on technology, language learning and applied linguistics research
.	Erik Duval (KU Leuven) on learning analytics and open education
.	John H.A.L. de Jong (VU University Amsterdam / Pearson English) on computer-supported language assessment


Proposals for Papers, Symposia, European Projects, Workshops and Posters must be submitted online via the EUROCALL submission system which is now open. The submission system will close on 14th February 2014. 

Authors of accepted presentations are requested to submit a short paper (1,500 words) for publication in the online conference proceedings, and may also submit an extended version for peer-reviewed publication in ReCALL or the EUROCALL Review. 

Important dates
*         Extended deadline for submissions of proposals: 14th February 2014
*         Notification of acceptance: 31st March 2014
*         Early-bird registration ends: 31st May 2014
*         Deadline for submissions of short papers for proceedings: 30th June 2014

Full details about presentation formats and the submission process can be found on the conference website at http://www.eurocall2014.nl/?page_id=26.

The submission system can also be reached directly at http://www.eurocall-languages.org/conf2014/. 

On behalf of EUROCALL,

Sake Jager
Marjolijn Verspoor
Estelle Meima

Dr S. Jager,  ICT in Education, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen
contact: s.jager at rug.nl,  + 31 (0) 50-363 5921 / 5263 co-organiser of Eurocall 2014: www.eurocall2014.nl
web: www.rug.nl/staff/s.jager

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