References on the Analysis of Discourses of Dissent

Jim Martin jmartin at MAIL.USYD.EDU.AU
Wed Jun 16 21:38:40 UTC 2004

Some suggestions...

Grace: the logogenesis of freedom. Discourse Studies 1.1. 1999. 31-58.

Positive discourse analysis: power, solidarity and change. Revista
Canaria de Estudios Ingleses. 49 (Special Issue on Discourse Analysis at
Work: Recent Perspectives in the Study of Language an Social Practice).
in press for 2004.

Blessed are the peacemakers: reconciliation and evaluation. C Candlin
[Ed.] Research and Practice in Professional Discourse. Hong Kong: City
University of Hong Kong Press. 2002. 187-227.

Working with Discourse: meaning beyond the clause (with David Rose)
London: Continuum. 2003.


Teun A. van Dijk wrote:

> Dear friends,
> A Mexican student asked my assistance in finding studies in CDA that
> do not focus on dominant discourse, but specifically analyse
> discourses of dissent, opposition or resistance. I agree with him that
> such CDA studies are less frequent than studies of dominant discourse,
> and would like to have your suggestions, from your own work of that of
> others, about some books and articles that specifically deal with this
> kind of perspective/data.
> Appended to this message I cite the studies I have found in my own Big
> Bibliography. But I guess there is much more and hope to have some
> suggestions from you.
> If you have suggestions to complete the list below, please post them
> on this list, because they might also be useful for other subscribers
> to Critics-L.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best wishes
> Teun
> ___________________________________
> Teun A. van Dijk
> Universitat Pompeu Fabra
> Departament de Traducció i Filologia
> Rambla 30
> 08002 Barcelona
> España
> E-mail: teun at
> Internet:
> ==================================================
> Agger, B. (1990). The decline of discourse: Reading, writing, and
> resistance in postmodern capitalism. New York: Falmer Press.
> Bass, J. D. (1979). The Rhetorical Opposition to Controversial Wars:
> Rhetorical Timing as a Generic Consideration. Western Journal of
> Speech Communication, 43(5), 180-191.
> Bergvall, V. L., & Remlinger, K. A. (1996). Reproduction, resistance
> and gender in educational discourse: the role of Critical Discourse
> Analysis. Discourse & Society 7(4), 453-479.
> Bhatia, V., & Coleman, W. D. (2003). Ideas and Discourse: Reform and
> Resistance in the Canadian and German Health Systems. Canadian Journal
> of Political Science-Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 36(4),
> 715-739.
> Brush, P. S. (1999). The influence of social movements on
> articulations of race and gender in Black women's autobiographies.
> Gender & Society, 13(1), 120-137.
> Coles, R. L. (1998). Peaceniks and Warmongers Framing Fracas on the
> Home Front: Dominant and Opposition Discourse Interaction During the
> Persian-Gulf Crisis. Sociological Quarterly, 39(3), 369-391.
> Condit, C. M., & Lucaites, J. L. (1993). Malcolm-X and the Limits of
> the Rhetoric of Revolutionary Dissent. Journal of Black Studies,
> 23(3), 291-313.
> Crenshaw, C. (1997). Resisting whiteness' rhetorical silence. Western
> Journal of Communication, 61(3), 253-278.
> Daniel, J. H. (1995). The discourse on Thomas v. Hill: A resource for
> perspectives on the black woman and sexual trauma. In Kathy Weingarten
> (Ed.), Cultural resistance: Challenging beliefs about men, women, and
> therapy. (pp. 103-117). New York, NY: Harrington Park Press/Haworth
> Press.
> Fisher, R. M. (1985). Rhetoric and American democracy: black protest
> through Vietnam dissent. Washington, DC: University Press of America.
> Fisher, S. (1991). A discourse of the social: Medical
> talk/powertalk/oppositional talk? Discourse & Society, 2, 157-182.
> Fisher, S., & Davis, K. (Eds.). (1993). Negotiating at the margins.
> The gendered discourse of power and resistance. New Brunswick, NJ:
> Rutgers University Press.
> Garrett, M. M. (1993). Wit, Power, and Oppositional Groups: A Case
> Study of "Pure Talk". Quarterly Journal of Speech, 79(3), 303-318.
> Gruber, H. (1993). Öffentlicher Dissens. (Public dissent). Wiener
> Linguistische Gazette, 47, 1-27.
> Forrester, M. A., & Ramsden, C. (2000). Discursive ethnomethodology:
> Analysing power and resistance in talk. Psychology, Crime and Law,
> 6(4), 281-304.
> Hacker, K. L., Coste, T. G., Kamm, D. F., & Bybee, C. R. (1991).
> Oppositional readings of network television news: Viewer
> deconstruction. Discourse & Society, 2, 183-202.
> Hellesnes, J. (1992). Tolerance and Dissent: Theory of Discourse
> Regarding Mill and Rorty. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie, 40(3),
> 245-255.
> Hill, J. H. (1992). "Today There Is No Respect": Nostalgia, "Respect"
> and Oppositional Discourse in Mexicano (Nahuatl) Language Ideology.
> Pragmatics, 2(3), 263-280.
> Houston, M., & Kramarae, C. (1991). Women speaking from silence:
> Methods of silencing and of resistance. Discourse & Society, 2, 387-399.
> Jablonski, C. J. (1990). Dissent and the Challenge of Peace: An
> Alternative View. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 76(3), 310-311.
> Jordan, J. W. (2003). Sabotage or Performed Compliance: Rhetorics of
> Resistance in Temp Worker Discourse. Quarterly Journal of Speech,
> 89(1), 19-40.
> Kingfisher, C. P. (1996). Women on Welfare: Conversational Sites of
> Acquiescence and Dissent. Discourse & Society, 7(4), 531-557.
> Levinson, B. A. (1998). The moral construction of student rights:
> Discourse and judgment among Mexican secondary school students.
> Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 27(1), 45-84.
> Little, D. L. (1999). Independent Workers, Dependable Mothers:
> Discourse, Resistance, and AFDC Workfare Programs. Social Politics,
> 6(2), 161-202.
> MacKenzie, F. (1992). The Worse It Got, the More We Laughed: A
> Discourse of Resistance Among Farmers of Eastern Ontario. Environment
> and Planning D-Society & Space, 10(6), 691-713.
> Miller, M. (1994). Intersystemic Discourse and Coordinated Dissent: A
> Critique of Luhmanns Concept of Ecological Communication. Theory
> Culture & Society, 11(2), 101-121.
> Müller-Hartmann, A. (2000). The discourse of race and southern
> literature, 1890-1940: From consensus and accommodation to subversion
> and resistance. New York: Peter Lang.
> Nichols, L., & Feltey, K. M. (2003). The Woman Is Not Always the Bad
> Guy: Dominant Discourse and Resistance in the Lives of Battered Women.
> Violence Against Women, 9(7), 784-806.
> Pélissier Kingfisher, C. (1996). Women on welfare: conversational
> sites of acquiescence and dissent. Discourse & Society 7(4), 531-557.
> Rivera, R. (2004). A study of liberation discourse. The semantics of
> opposition in Freire and Gutierrez. New York: P. Lang.
> Shugar, G. W., & Slonczewska, E. (1989). The interactional context of
> oppositional discourse. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 20(2), 113-126.
> Talbot, J., Bibace, R., Bokhour, B., & Bamberg, M. (1996). Affirmation
> and resistance of dominant discourses: The rhetorical construction of
> pregnancy. Journal of Narrative & Life History, 6(3), 225-251.
> Viollet, C. (1988). Discourse Strategies - Power and Resistance: A
> Socio-Enunciative Approach. In G. Seidel (Ed.), The Nature of the
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> Benjamins.
> Walker,  R.. B. J. (1984). Contemporary Militarism and the Discourse
> of Dissent. In R. B. J.  Walker (Ed.), Culture, Ideology and World
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> Werbner, P. (1996). The Making of Muslim Dissent: Hybridized
> Discourses, Lay Preachers, and Radical Rhetoric Among British
> Pakistanis. American Ethnologist, 23(1), 102-122.
> Weingarten, K. (1995). Radical listening: Challenging cultural beliefs
> for and about mothers. In: Weingarten, Kathy. (Ed.), Cultural
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> Zelizer, B. (1995). Journalisms Last Stand: Wirephoto and the
> Discourse of Resistance. Journal of Communication, 45(2), 78-92.

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