References on the Analysis of Discourses of Dissent

Celso Alvarez Cáccamo lxalvarz at UDC.ES
Wed Jun 16 20:56:27 UTC 2004


You may want to tell your student that the following two works, though not 
CDA (I think ;-) ), address in passing issues of resistance, namely, 
"linguistic disobedience" to normative language ideologies in Galiza, and 
unvoiced (coughed!) resistance by the audience in a town council meeting. 
They are, respectively:

Alvarez-Cáccamo, Celso. 1993. "The pigeon house, the octopus and the 
people: The ideologization of linguistic practices in Galiza". 
Plurilinguismes 6, 1-26. Monographic Issue on Sociolinguistique galicienne, 
ed. by Xoán Paulo Rodríguez Yañez.

Alvarez-Cáccamo, Celso. 1996. "Building alliances in political discourse: 
Language, institutional authority, and resistance". Folia Linguistica 
XXX.3/4. Special Issue on Interactional Sociolinguistics, ed. by Helga 
Kotthoff, 245-270.

Both are available at:


At 14:02 16-06-2004 +0200, you wrote:

>Dear friends,
>A Mexican student asked my assistance in finding studies in CDA that do 
>not focus on dominant discourse, but specifically analyse discourses of 
>dissent, opposition or resistance. I agree with him that such CDA studies 
>are less frequent than studies of dominant discourse, and would like to 
>have your suggestions, from your own work of that of others, about some 
>books and articles that specifically deal with this kind of 
>perspective/data.  . . .

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