Genre 2012 -- A conference on genre studies -- Call-for proposals.

Graham Smart gsmart at CONNECT.CARLETON.CA
Thu Oct 13 18:30:16 UTC 2011

Genre 2012--Rethinking Genre Twenty Years Later: An International Conference on Genre Studies
  Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
 June 26-29, 2012
  Genre   2012 will continue the tradition and scholarly conversation that   originated with the first international colloquium on Genre Studies,   “Rethinking Genre,” held at Carleton University in 1992.
  The goals of Genre 2012 are the following: 
   - To   create a dialogue among the three major traditions      of Genre   Studies: (a) English for Specific Purposes (ESP), (b) North        American/New Rhetorical Studies, and (c) Australian Systemic Functional        Linguistics (the Sydney School);
 - To   present the most recent research developments in      each of these   three traditions with respect to writing in academic,      workplace,   and community settings; 
 - To explore possible convergences among the three      traditions; and 
 - To provide a communicative space for discussion of      other possible approaches to Genre Studies.

  Keynote speakers:   Charles Bazerman (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Vijay   Bhatia (City University of Hong Kong), Ken Hyland (University of Hong   Kong), James Martin (University of Sydney, Australia), Carolyn Miller   (North Carolina State University, USA), David Russell (Iowa State   University, USA), Catherine Schryer (Ryerson University, Canada), John   Swales (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, USA).
  Special session presenters:   Anis Bawarshi (University of Washington, USA), Heidi Byrnes  (Georgetown  University, USA), Amy Devitt (University of Kansas, USA),  Ann Johns  (San Diego State University, USA), Anthony Paré (McGill  University,  Canada), David Rose (University of Sydney, Australia), Clay  Spinuzzi  (University of Texas at Austin, USA), Christine Tardy (DePaul   University, USA).
  Proposals:   We invite research-informed papers of any theoretical or  methodological  orientation on any aspect of Genre Studies related to  the goals  indicated above. Accordingly, papers might address topics  such as these:  
   - The roles and functions of genres in different      linguistic and social contexts. 
 - Genre proficiencies in different contexts.
 - Learning and teaching genres in specific contexts.
 - The broad range of methodologies used to study      non-literary written genres.
 - Genres and new technologies.

  We also invite proposals on any other topics related to the study of non-literary written genres.
  Proposals   should identify the preferred format (20-minute individual  presentation  or 90-minute panel with several presenters). Students are  encouraged to  submit proposals for either individual presentations or  posters. The  registration fee for the conference will be waived for all  student  presenters and for Carleton University students.
 Proposals  for  individual presentations, panels, and posters should include a  title, an  abstract of 300 words or less, and contact information. Panel  proposals  should, in addition, include the names of all presenters and  the titles  of their papers. (In all cases, the 300-word limit excludes  the list of  references). 
  Proposals   should situate the topic in the research literature  identify one or   more research questions; describe the theoretical approach and the   method(s) of data collection and analysis; and where applicable, discuss   the findings  Theoretical explorations of relevant topics are also   welcome. 
  The deadline for proposals is October 30, 2011. Please send proposals as an email attachment in .doc or .rtf format to genre2012 at, including the words “Genre 2012 proposal” in the subject line. Updated conference information will be available at
  Language Statement:   Genre 2012 is open to all interested researchers. Given the wide range   of international participants that we expect to attend the conference,   the organizing committee believes that the communal conversation will  be  facilitated if English is used for presentations. However, if there  are  presenters who wish to deliver their papers in a language other  than  English, they will be welcome to do so. In such cases, we will  encourage  the presenters to provide English support materials, such as  detailed  handouts, PowerPoint presentations, or extended abstracts in  English.
  Graduate Course:  Connected   to the conference, Carleton University’s School of Linguistics and   Language Studies (SLaLS) will offer an intensive graduate-level course,   ALDS 5703: Approaches to Genre Studies, taught by conference   co-organizer Dr. Natasha Artemeva. Course registration will be open to   graduate students from any institution. In addition to other   assignments, students registered in the course will be required to   attend conference keynote addresses and Special Sessions and then   reflect on these as part of their coursework. Conference presenters will   be invited to participate in formal and informal discussions with the   students registered in the course. Course registration will be open in   the spring of 2012. Further information will be distributed at a later   date. For details, please contact SLaLS graduate administrator Ms Joan   Grant at joan_grant at General registration information for non-Carleton students is available at 
  Conference co-organizers: Natasha Artemeva, Jaffer Sheyholislami, and Graham Smart (Carleton University).
  Local organizing committee: Chloe Fogarty-Bourget, Janna Fox, Guillaume Gentil, Clara John Gulli, Lynne Young (Carleton University).
  Sponsorship: The   conference is sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research   Council of Canada (SSHRC) and co-sponsored by Carleton University’s   Office of the Vice-President (Research and International); Office of the   Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; and the School of   Linguistics and Language Studies.

Graham Smart
Associate Professor
Carleton University
School of Linguistics & 
   Language Studies
215 Paterson Hall
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1S 5B6


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