Lecturer in Sociolinguistics (fixed-term, 0.5 FTE), The University of Manchester

Alon Lischinsky alischinsky at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 08:29:10 UTC 2013

Lecturer in Sociolinguistics
The University of Manchester

Closing date: 20/06/2013
Reference: HUM-02801
School: School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
Division: Linguistics and English Language
Salary: £33,230 to £36,298 pro rata
Employment type: Fixed Term
Duration: 12 months
Hours per week: 0.5FTE
Location: Oxford Road, Manchester

You will have a specialism in sociolinguistics.  You will be expected
to teach and provide supervision at undergraduate level, and to take
responsibility for administrative tasks within the discipline area,
under the supervision of the Head of Division.  An ability to
contribute to MA teaching may constitute an advantage.

You must be able to collaborate closely with colleagues in the
delivery of teaching and learning, be willing to take a share of
responsibilities for student progress and academic management, and be
eager to make a full commitment to our ideals of collegiality and
academic integrity at all levels of activity.

This 0.5FTE post is available from 16 September 2013 to 15 July 2014.
Interviews are provisionally scheduled for the period 27 June to 10 July 2013.

Informal enquiries

Please send any enquiries to:
Dr Delia Bentley, Head of Division
Email:  delia.bentley at manchester.ac.uk
Telephone:  0161 275 3123

Further particulars:
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