Summer Institutes

Thomas Bloor T.Bloor at ASTON.AC.UK
Thu Apr 1 11:16:54 UTC 1999

In response to James Cornish's query:
Summer School in Systemic Functional Linguistics taking place in
Toronto from July 5-16th.
details from Bill Greaves <greaves at>

On 31.03.99 James Cornish emailed:
>Does anyone know of any summer institutes or programs world-wide that
>offer discourse analysis in any of its many forms this year?  (That's an
>indefinite sentence if there ever was one; 3 'any's and a many.)
>James Warren Cornish -  Texas A&M University
>English Department/ Discourse Studies
>213B Blocker Bldg. M/S 4227
>College Station
>TX  77840-4337
>409-845-3542 ex. 40

Thomas Bloor
Language Studies Unit
Aston University
Birmingham, UK
B4 7ET

Phone:0121 359 3611 xt 4212/4236
Fax:0121 359 2725

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