On Metaphor as Evaluative Modality

zmaalej zmaalej at GNET.TN
Mon Aug 16 15:56:24 UTC 1999

Apologies for cross-posting

Dear List Members,

Metaphor has been studied as process and product (Gibbs, 1999; Allbritton,
1995; etc.), as a similarity-creating phenomenon (Ortony, 1979; Glucksberg &
Keysar, 1990; etc.), as enhancing intimacy between speaker and hearer
(Cohen, 1979), etc. However, I have seen very few studies (Averill, 1990) of
metaphor as an evaluative modality, i.e. as an instantiation of speaker
attitude. Could anybody direct me to any relevant  literature? Your
collaboration is mostly valued. Thank you in advance.

Zouhair Maalej,
Department of English Chair,
Faculty of Letters, Manouba, 2010,
University of Tunis I, TUNISIA.
Office Phone: (+216) 1 600 700 Ext. 174
Office Fax: (+216) 1 520 910
Home Tel/Fax: (+216) 1 362 871
Email: zmaalej at gnet.tn

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