
Marko Raitanen maraitan at DODO.JYU.FI
Mon Feb 15 15:52:48 UTC 1999

I work at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the
University of Jyväskylä, Finland. I have started my PhD thesis
(now) titled 'Agecategory in Finland'.

My thesis deals with how youth ideologies are expressed in
language on independence and other maturity related concepts that have
a strong component of fully authorized citizenship. The main object of
interest is to make the process of becoming an adult visible through
the concept of youth housing.

The next quotation is from an interview with a relevant actor in
youth housing and (hopefully) shows you what I am investigating:

Q: You have talked about tenant democracy, what do you mean by that?

A: At this moment it does not contain enough.

The problem is that young people are not very interested in it.

And I think one reason for that is their attitude,

I mean that they see us domineering their activities too much.

And now I have done quite a brave move

and opened an account at a bank

and deposited 2000 marks for the board of tenants.

Q: Did you make any recommendations regarding the use of that money?

A: Well, let's say that they can do whatever they want

with that money. As long as they give me the receipts.

This year they have bought a grill and gas and other such items,

and then a case of beer and some sausages.

Food for a working party.

I reckon that it has been used about 50-50 to things like the grill

and then to the food.

As far as I am concerned this quite a modest amount of money

is giving them a feeling that they really can make a difference.

This is sharing the responsibility

even though we are talking about quite small sums.


Marko Raitanen

Postal Address:
University of Jyväskylä
Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
P.O. Box 35 (ASE)
FIN-40351 Jyväskylä

tel. +358 14 602 805
fax. +358 14 602 535
e-mail: maraitan at

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