
Susan Eggly Eggly at INTMED.WAYNE.EDU
Mon Feb 15 14:28:37 UTC 1999

I saw your message to the list, and, although I have never posted, it sounds like the work I am doing is similar to yours.  I am looking at the co-construction of the patient's narrative by the doctor and patient in the medical interview.  I have always wondered about the cross-cultural comparison of the medical interview--maybe in terms of patient narratives??  

Susan Eggly, Wayne State U., Detroit Michigan

>>> Chango Arbide <crivos at ISIS.UNLP.EDU.AR> 02/12 7:28 PM >>>
Dear list members,

I am Marta Crivos, anthropologist graduated and working at the Facultad de
Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata,
Argentina. I am Professor of Theoretical Anthropology and researcher in the
field of Ethnography in a natural-science academic environment. At present
I am finishing my doctoral thesis in which I explore the heuristics of the
narrative on illness episodes as a source of hypothesis about medical
phenomena at ethnographic scale. I celebrate the list as a
multidisciplinary forum for the consideration of discourse in all its
dimensions and I haven't any doubt that being a member of it will be very
important for my work. 

Best regards,
Marta Crivos
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET)
e-mail: crivos at 
phone-fax: 54 - 221 451 7329
Address: Calle 11 Nº 1768
1900 - La Plata

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