Introduction Christina Wasson

Christina Wasson c-wasson at NWU.EDU
Tue Feb 23 19:15:49 UTC 1999

Hi Luuk,

You pose a very interesting question.  I have studied the use of
marketplace metaphors in the workplace (such as "taking ownership," the
employee as "entrepreneur," coworkers as "customers").  The model that
underlies these metaphors is definitely being promoted by a lot of
management consultants.  However, the connection between specific advisory
texts and employees' use of the metaphors is rather loose.

It might be helpful for you to look at an ongoing project on "The Creation
of European Management Practice."  Part of this project is an examination
of the role management consultants play in the practice of European firms.
The researchers do not focus on discourse in particular but I'm sure they
would have insights on that topic.  Check out their web site at


At 09:31 AM 2/22/99 +0100, Luuk Lagerwerf wrote:
>Dear Christina,
>I'm Luuk Lagerwerf, got my PhD. in discourse semantics at Tilburg
>University (Netherlands) and I'm working now as an assistent
>professor a  Twente University (Netherlands). I'm starting research
>in advisory texts of management consultants. To begin with, I'm
>interested in the role advisory texts play in a company that has been
>advised (for instance, the text is used to argue against opponents in
>the organization).
>Do you know of any research that has been done with respect to the
>use of advisory text by managers or professionals?
>Luuk Lagerwerf
>Language and Communication
>University of Twente
>+31 53 489 35 67 (office)
>+31 34 351 38 81 (home)

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