
David Samuels samuels at ANTHRO.UMASS.EDU
Thu Jan 7 16:51:59 UTC 1999

Off the cuff: Hi, I'm David Samuels, and I'm an assistant professor in the
anthropology department at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

Originally from the r-less borough of Brooklyn (Flatbush!), I finished my
Ph.D. in 1998 at the University of Texas at Austin in Anthropology and
Folklore.  Did my fieldwork on the San Carlos Apache reservation in
Arizona, and the dissertation concentrated on issues of popular culture and
identity, mostly through the lenses of language and music.  My interests
focus on the areas of discourse and historical imagination, poetics,
narrative, the language/music nexus, and the importance of indeterminacy in
the discursive constitution of identity.  Plus, you know, whatever.


David W. Samuels
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
212 Machmer Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003

VOX: (413) 545-2702
FAX: (413) 545-9494
email: samuels at

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