
Mohd Faiz Sathi. bin Abdullah mfaiz at FBM.UPM.EDU.MY
Thu Mar 11 03:11:27 UTC 1999

Hi everyone!

I've recently joined the list. I am Faiz Abdullah. I teach Speech
Communication at the undergraduate level, and have taught Discourse
Analysis,and Expository Writing to postgraduates at the Putra University of
Malaysia. In my doctoral study, I worked on genre-based approaches to
academic reading/writing in English, mainly on the basis of Swales' (1981,
1990), and Bhatia's (1993) models of non-literary genre. I am interested in
studies on academic genres across languages, and related issues about
ideology/power, so will apreciate any viewpoints and/or help in locating
publications. Thanks in advance and cheers.

Mohd Faiz Abdullah, Ph.D
Pensyarah, Jabatan Bahasa Ingeris FBMK
Penyelaras, Unit Kemahiran Bahasa Inggeris
Fakulti Pengajian Bahasa Moden
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Tel.: 03-9486101 (ext 2859)/Fax: 03-9439951

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