Pulping Culture <forward>

Danny Mansfield dandman1 at FLASH.NET
Sun Jan 9 22:28:15 UTC 2000


Announcing a new discussion list and website resource!

1.  A list reading of Judith Butler's _The Psychic Life of Power_
2.  Jerry Falwell and the Christian Right
3.  Lacanian theory, Zizek, and Gender Identity
4.  Wrapping up a discussion of Blair Witch

The above are just a taste of the conversations crystallizing at Pulp
Culture.  What is Pulp Culture?

PULP (pulp)  n. 1. the fleshy, succulent part of  fruit; 2. any soft,
formless substance, as of disintegrated matter, esp. wood fiber used for
making paper.  v.  to squeeze,  press,  knead.

CULTURE (kul-chur) n.  1.  a society or group characterized by its
distinctive practices, customs, beliefs; 2. an appreciation for art,
literature, music;  3. improvement by care or training in a special

PULP CULTURE:   to press, squeeze, knead, or shape the juicy, fleshy,
succulent bits of culture, media, and politics.

Pulp Culture is an e-mail discussion list and (eventually) 'zine focusing
on critical engagements
with and analyses of media/culture/politics. From the fleshy, sweet acidity
and pulpy bits of popular media/culture to the tough, bitter rind of
Culture to the tendinous fibers of the political economy, we want to "pulp
culture" from a variety of critical, practical and theoretical
perspectives. Our aim,
as well, is the reconstruction of theory. That is, we want to "pulp theory"
in order to interrogate its presuppositions and to examine the conditions
of its possibility. Discussions at Pulp Culture, then, are intended as
interventions  in the terrain of ongoing theoretical, cultural and
struggles inherent in the production/consumption of media/culture in all
its forms.

To join the fun, fray and fissures at Pulp Culture send a subscription
message to:

majordomo at infothecary.org.

In the body of the message type, subscribe pulp-culture.

Please note that Pulp Culture is an active list with 25-50 posts per day.
There's a lot of energy so you may prefer to subscribe to the digest
version.  If you'd like to subscribe to the daily digest version type,
subscribe pulp-culture-digest.

To learn more about Pulp Culture check out the rind at

See you at Pulp!

Ken Mackendrick, University of Toronto
Kirsten Nielsen, Infothecary.org


                  PULP CULTURE
a list for the discussion of media/culture/politics
a Web Resoure: Theory/Research/Praxis
                  GET THE JUICE

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