Bibliography Political discourse analysis

lahcen lahcen at FULBRIGHTWEB.ORG
Thu Dec 6 10:17:39 UTC 2001

Dear Teun and political discourse analysts,

          Thanks you very much for your reply. It wouldn't make sense to publish online the work one has already 'sold' to a publisher.
What I'd rather like you to confirm or negate is my observation that you do not include in your website finished work, and thus it is risky (wrong, unfeasible) to quote from it as the content might eventually change, or the whole work given up!

     When I inquired whether anyone of the list members had your paper "What is political discourse analysis?", I hoped to have a hard or soft copy sent to me, as I am currently writing a Lit.Survey of political discourse studies and would like to know whether there is such a thing as a theory and practice of Political Discourse Analysis that derives but is distinctive from Discourse Analysis of everyday and other discourses.



---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From:         "Teun A. van Dijk" <teun at HUM.UVA.NL>
Reply-To:     The Discourse Studies List <DISCOURS at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG>
Date:          Wed, 5 Dec 2001 09:44:10 +0100

>Hi Lahsen, and others interested in political discourse analysis:
>Some weeks ago I posted an updated bibliography on political discourse
>analysis on my website (to limit its length it only has references to
>books). I remodeled the website in such a way that all bibliographies
>are now together (under Resources for Discourse Studies). I would very
>much welcome any suggestions to complete the bibliography on political
>discourse analysis -- or any other bibliography I have posted.
>The paper "What is political discourse analysis?" is no longer on my
>website because it has been published in the book on language and
>politics published by Blommaert & Bulcaen. Not only publishers generally
>prohibit (nowadays also in contracts) simultaneous publication on one's
>website of articles they have published, but this would also hurt the
>sales of the books of our own colleagues. I would (of course) love to
>have all my papers available on my website (since I strongly believe in
>the necessity to share one's work as widely as possible), especially
>also for students and for colleagues in countries that have less access
>to (expensive) books, but I am able to do so only for articles that are
>not yet or no longer in print. If I would put all my articles on my
>web-site, no one would want to publish them in books. I am sorry. Also,
>I unfortunately lack the time and the resources to make xeroxes
>available of my papers to anyone who needs them. You'll have to ask a
>friend who does have access to the relevant books.
>Let me take the opportunity to mention the recent publication of a
>useful book on CDA, especially also for students: Ruth Wodak & Michael
>Meyer (Eds.), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. London: Sage,
>2001. In this book some scholars in critical discourse analysis explain
>(with concrete examples) how they do CDA.
>Best wishes
>Teun A. van Dijk
>University of Amsterdam &
>Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
>Universitat Pompeu Fabra
>Departament de Traducció i Filologia
>La Rambla 32
>08002 Barcelona, Spain
>Phone: +34-93-272.1200 (home/casa)
>FAX:   +34-93-272.0106 (home/casa)
>E-mail: teun at

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